
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Disturbing Technique Used to Control Computers and Spy Through Webcams That You Should Know About | Video |

The Disturbing Technique Used to Control Computers and Spy Through Webcams That You Should Know About | Video |

We’ve reported about webcam hacking and spying in the past, but a recent report by Ars Technica is giving an even more in-depth look into the scary world of people who can take control of a person’s computer, peering into his or her life via webcam all in the name of an unsettling game.
Ars Technica’s Nate Anderson begins his story about RATs (remote administration tools) with an eerie scene: a woman sits in front of her computer with a baby on her lap, voicing her frustration over unwanted content popping up to a man who is in the room but offscreen. The man presumes that someone has hacked their computer. But little do they know the extent of the hack. As Anderson wrote, the hacker has access to their screens, webcam, microphone, files and all other content on the device.

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