Know The Law: Americans Can Have The Same Firearms As The National Guard! « Second Amendment Patriots
In order to win the war on guns, the Progressive Left and Democrats are counting on our ignorance of not only the Constitution, but recent case law that supports the Second Amendment. The government school systems, over the last 30 years, have educated the children of America down to the mindless souls we see today. They have systematically prevented generations of people from truly understanding the meaning and intent of the Constitution. In doing so, they have bred into our society a semi-permanent sense of co-dependence on the government for entitlement services and information. While this is by design; they did not anticipate, nor do they control, the vast independent information sources available to people today.
“Know The Law” is a new Second Amendment Patriots category of articles that are designed to help community members in the defense, application, and everyday usage of the 2nd amendment. While this information does not constitute any type of legal counsel, we hope it is vibrant enough to serve as a starting point for exercising ones’ constitutional rights, act as a source of inspiration as we reach out to others who seek a better understanding of the second amendment, and initiate attacks against those who wish to wage this war on our guns.
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