
Friday, March 15, 2013

How the DHS Plans to Deal With the Patriot Movement | OCCUPY CORPORATISM

How the DHS Plans to Deal With the Patriot Movement | OCCUPY CORPORATISM
According to the posting of an email in alternative media the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Justice Information Services Division (JISD) held a meeting at was attended by Retired Colonel Bolo, director of the Biometric Identification Management Agency (BIMA).
Bolo spoke about the recent purchases by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the armored vehicles designed to withstand a blast from an improvised explosive device (IED); as well as that the anti-government/patriot/constitutional movement is posing a viable threat to the current government. He suggested that they be monitored carefully.
The armored vehicles and mobile command centers were “tied to ‘the mission’.”
By tracking leaders of these movements with mobile command centers, the FBI and DHS will be able to shut them down with the use of SWAT teams. Another aspect of this “mission” was the collaboration of the Internal Security Force.

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