
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Israel Shores Up Its Defenses, While Iran Remains Quiet | The Weekly Standard

Israel Shores Up Its Defenses, While Iran Remains Quiet | The Weekly Standard
Informed sources are confirming reports that there was a major explosion at a uranium enrichment plant at an Iranian nuclear facility in Fordow last week. However, the White House believes the reports are not credible and Iran denies that anything is amiss, but a variety of news items coming out of Israel and Iran point to the likelihood that something significant is happening in the region.
Perhaps loath to embarrass Iran publicly and force it into a confrontation, Israel is keeping quiet—for the most part. Some foreign press accounts note that Israeli intelligence officials, unnamed, are confirming the news. Perhaps more noteworthy, Israel’s Civil Defense Minister and former head of the Shin Bet, Avi Dichter, seemed to go against  standard operating procedure by commenting on a suspected Israeli clandestine operation. “Any explosion in Iran which does not harm people but harms Iran's assets,” said Dichter, “is a blessing.”

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