
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Why Is Retail Giant Target Trying to Scan Your Driver’s License for This Seemingly Simple Purchase? |

Why Is Retail Giant Target Trying to Scan Your Driver’s License for This Seemingly Simple Purchase? |
A person appearing younger than 18 years old might expect to be carded for age-restricted items like tobacco purchases. Americans might even be accustomed to having to produce their driver’s license or some form of government-issued I.D. to purchase decongestants or other medications containing pseudoephedrine. But what about Nicotine patches? And why is only one popular retailer asking for more than just your ID when you’re trying to buy them?
A person named Rodney was doing neither of these things. Still, when he was at Target purchasing nicotine patches, the store clerk asked to scan his ID, giving Rodney pause and eventually leading him to take his business elsewhere.
According to the Consumerist, he was purchasing nicotine patches for his son. Although the FDA sets 18 as the minimum age to purchase smoking cessation products, the fact that he claims to be a father (and later states his age at 57) suggests this restriction would not be a problem.

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