
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

It’s not a ‘haircut’ – it’s THEFT when governments loot your private bank accounts |

It’s not a ‘haircut’ – it’s THEFT when governments loot your private bank accounts |
(NaturalNews) – This use of the term “haircut” to describe government theft of private banking accounts has got to stop. It’s not a haircut, it’s outright thievery. When a person breaks into your home with a gun and steals your jewelry or cash, do we call that a “haircut?” Of course not. It’s a criminal act, not a trip to the salon.
I’m referring to the government bank raids in Cyprus, of course, where up to 10% of private accounts are simply being stolen by the government. It’s being called the great EU bank robbery, and there is a lot of speculation that this may set off bank runs across European nations. But the media calls it nothing more than a “haircut.”
Why is everybody using the term “haircut” to describe this outright theft? The reason, of course, is because the term “haircut” is a mind game. Its purpose is to make it sound like it’s not outright theft. By calling it a “haircut,” it seems more polite, almost as if the government there is doing everybody a favor.

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