
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Why Parents Need to Let Their Children Fail - Jessica Lahey - The Atlantic

Why Parents Need to Let Their Children Fail - Jessica Lahey - The Atlantic

Thirteen years ago, when I was a relatively new teacher, stumbling around my classroom on wobbly legs, I had to call a students' mother to inform her that I would be initiating disciplinary proceedings against her daughter for plagiarism, and that furthermore, her daughter would receive a zero for the plagiarized paper.
"You can't do that. She didn't do anything wrong," the mother informed me, enraged.
"But she did. I was able to find entire paragraphs lifted off of web sites," I stammered.
"No, I mean she didn't do it. I did. I wrote her paper."
I don't remember what I said in response, but I'm fairly confident I had to take a moment to digest what I had just heard. And what would I do, anyway? Suspend the mother? Keep her in for lunch detention and make her write "I will not write my daughter's papers using articles plagiarized from the Internet" one hundred times on the board? In all fairness, the mother submitted a defense: her daughter had been stressed out, and she did not want her to get sick or overwhelmed.
In the end, my student received a zero and I made sure she re-wrote the paper. Herself. Sure, I didn't have the authority to discipline the student's mother, but I have done so many times in my dreams.

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