
Saturday, January 19, 2013

What did Obama REALLY sign? It wasn't Executive Orders! - Tea Party Command Center

What did Obama REALLY sign? It wasn't Executive Orders! - Tea Party Command Center
You saw the video or the pictures.  The television folks talked all day about it and continue to do so.  Republicans are screaming about it.  The left is crowing about it. But, what did Obama REALLY sign in front of those children and all those cameras?

I wanted to read and share the Executive Orders so we could see exactly what we were up against.  To my utter surprise, I could not find them on the White House site!  Check it out yourself with this link:
I read more headlines and I googled the issue.  I started to see a pattern in many of the media headlines.  Try it will find the media REALLY was saying Executive ACTION and not Executive Order. Drudge's caption on the picture turned out to be a classic: LET'S PLAY TAKE THE GUNS...
Back to the White House site for more checking around.  What do I eventually find?  Obama actually signed a Proclamation.

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