We Repeat Our Goals: Conservatives Seek Lower Taxes - Communists Need More Tax Money to Spend
When in the course of normal human daily family activities and plans the burdensome problem of too little available cash in hand as opposed to excessive debts accrued, the first option is to seek additional income for the onerous task of paying those bills. Nice thought but not always feasible nor possible. Then what? Fall back to the most normal expediency which is to cut back on the acquisition of some of the less immediately needed purchases and focus on the more strictly required items for daily survival. Cut the bling and glitz from the daily accumulation of needs and stick with the meat and potatoes and water while bypassing the desserts and exotic beverages that push expense totals into the red zones.
In simple terms, cut back the less necessary items and concentrate on getting what is more absolutely needed as opposed to desired. That way, a less burdensome future will show up on your friendly doorstep sooner than later.
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