
Friday, January 25, 2013

John Locke: Natural Rights to Life, Liberty, and Property : The Freeman : Foundation for Economic Education

John Locke: Natural Rights to Life, Liberty, and Property : The Freeman : Foundation for Economic Education
A number of times throughout history, tyranny has stimulated breakthrough thinking about liberty. This was certainly the case in England with the mid-seventeenth-century era of repression, rebellion, and civil war. There was a tremendous outpouring of political pamphlets and tracts. By far the most influential writings emerged from the pen of scholar John Locke.
He expressed the radical view that government is morally obliged to serve people, namely by protecting life, liberty, and property. He explained the principle of checks and balances to limit government power. He favored representative government and a rule of law. He denounced tyranny. He insisted that when government violates individual rights, people may legitimately rebel.

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