
Friday, January 18, 2013

Gunrunner: Eric Holder asks the court not to order the release of Fast and Furious documents | The D.C. Clothesline

Gunrunner: Eric Holder asks the court not to order the release of Fast and Furious documents | The D.C. Clothesline

When the Fast and Furious investigation began to close in on Eric Holder (and possibly Barack Obama himself) he ran to the president and begged him to use his executive power to seal the documents Darrell Issa and Charles Grassley had been trying to gain access to for over a year, and naturally Barack Obama obliged him.
As you can read about in the article I linked to above this move actually led to more questions about what the Obama regime was trying to hide in this deadly scandal.
Judicial watch issued a Freedom of Information Act request last June but the Obama regime has failed to comply with this request so they have sued the Obama regime in an attempt to force compliance with FOIA.

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