
Monday, January 21, 2013

‘Are You Too Sick to Own a Gun?’: NBC News Lays Out Scary Scenarios in New Gun Control Push |

‘Are You Too Sick to Own a Gun?’: NBC News Lays Out Scary Scenarios in New Gun Control Push |
After both of the tragic mass murders of 2012 — the shootings at a movie theater in Aurora, Colo., and Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. — mental illness was quickly brought to the table as answers were sought as to why someone would commit such seemingly senseless crimes.
As the debate over gun control continues, so too does discussion about the role mental illness plays in it. NBC News reports experts saying the weight of adding mental illness into the mix might carry some unintended consequences. As NBC put it in its article headlined “Are You Too Sick to Own a Gun,” this includes everything “from gun owners avoiding mental health treatment to therapists feeling compelled to report every patient who expresses a violent thought.”

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