
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ethanol Doesn’t Make Sense Economically or Environmentally, Only Politically

The dollar is scarcely worth more than a Swiss franc, which makes a visit to Switzerland extremely expensive. Our hotel - Hotel d'Angleterre - overlooks the lake...a beautiful place, clean, well-decorated and efficiently run place - as you'd expect. The price, with discount, was about $600 a night.
"Couldn't you find anything cheaper?" was asked Elizabeth.
"Well, of course...but I didn't have time to pay much attention...and besides how often will we come often do we go anywhere?"
We could tell from the tone of her voice that this issue was not worth pursuing. Besides, we are used to being shocked by prices in Europe. We're shocked so often, in fact, that we'd be shocked if we weren't shocked. Still, occasionally, we got a major shock in the restaurant. The breakfast buffet was $49; we almost decided we could wait to eat until we got home...

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