After insistent pressure from American opponents of Communist China's continual strengthening of the genocidal government of Sudan, internationally celebrated filmmaker Steven Spielberg has withdrawn as artistic director of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. "My conscience," he tells the world, "will not allow me to continue business as usual. My time and energy must be spent not on Olympic ceremonies, but on doing all I can to help bring to an end to the unspeakable crimes against humanity that continue to be committed in Darfur.
Reporting from Beijing, the Associated Press (Feb. 13) said that Mr. Spielberg's compelling act of conscience "could be a major blow to Beijing's promotion of the Aug. 8-24 Olympics as a symbol of China's integration into mainstream global society" after that nation "has invested billions of dollars and its national prestige into what it hopes will be a glorious showcase of China's rapid development from impoverished agrarian nation to rising industrial power." Last month, during his legacy tour showing how his compassionate conservatism has indeed benefited a number of countries in Africa, President Bush did not include Sudan, let alone Darfur, in his schedule...
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